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Studying Information Technology at Macquarie

Studying Information Technology at Macquarie

The world is in the midst of an information boom.

Advancements in technology have never been more fast-paced, and businesses only continue to become more competitive. Those with the skills to help businesses to not only keep up but stay ahead, are in high demand.

In the dynamic Macquarie University Information Technology programs, students will gain foundational skills in programming, data storage and modelling, networking, and cyber security.

Students will develop broad and coherent knowledge as well as skills in areas such as:

  • Software design and construction

  • Applied data modelling and analysis

  • Security problem detection and mitigation

The learning experience of students will be enhanced by Macquarie's location in Australia’s largest high-tech precinct, offering them a multitude of opportunities for collaboration and employment.

Macquarie is ranked number one in Sydney for overall graduate employment in information technology (QILT, 2017).

For majors, students can choose from the following options:

  • Cyber Security

  • Web and Mobile App Development

  • Data Science

  • Information Systems and Business Analysis

  • Software Technology

Major in Cyber Security

This technical degree provides current and practical training for a successful career in the burgeoning field of cyber security.

One third of Australian businesses have suffered from cybercrime, costing Australia more than $1 billion every year.

As businesses continue to rely more heavily on technology, these attacks have only become more sophisticated and costly, creating a critical need for those with cyber security skill sets.

Completing this degree will arm Macquarie students with knowledge or technical skills in:

  • Cryptography

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Offensive Security

  • Data Communications

  • Digital Forensics (Bachelor) or Forensic Analysis (Master)

Career opportunities:

  • IT/security consultant

  • IT/security manager

  • Privacy officer

  • Risk analyst


  • Banking and financial institutions

  • Consultancies, e.g. Deloitte, KPMG, PwC

  • Defence organisations

  • Energy and supply companies

  • Government agencies

  • Information technology companies, e.g. Google, IBM, Microsoft

  • Media and entertainment companies

  • Retail and e-business companies

  • Telecommunications companies, e.g. Optus, Telstra

  • Transport companies

Major in Web and Mobile App Development

In this major, students will learn how to apply in-depth knowledge to solve complex web and app design challenges.

Apps play an integral role in this ever-evolving technological world, and app development skills have become highly sought after.

Students gain a variety of technical skills, including:

  • JavaScript programming

  • Networking for web and mobile applications

  • Web design

  • App modelling and development

Students will have the option to choose complementary subjects in:

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Computer graphics

  • Processing

In the final year, students will undertake a work-integrated learning activity with a partner organisation to help prepare them for real workplace scenarios.

Career opportunities:

  • App designer

  • App developer

  • Computer and information systems manager

  • Computer support specialist

  • Computer systems analyst

  • Content developer

  • E-business manager

  • Programmer

  • Self-employed entrepreneur

  • Software developer

  • Web developer


  • Banking and finance

  • Consultancies

  • Government agencies

  • Insurance companies

  • Media and entertainment

  • Retail and e-business

  • Tech companies, e.g. Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft

  • Telecommunications

  • Transport and logistics companies, e.g. Uber

Major in Data Science

The amount of data that modern systems are generating is transforming business, government, science and healthcare.

Data science, or applying specialised computational and statistical techniques to analyse big data, is now considered a key skill of the 21st century.

There is an enormous demand for people with this skill set.

Students will learn:

  • How to process and analyse data sets, including big data

  • How to use mathematical and statistical modelling techniques

  • How to use machine learning and data mining to solve challenging problems

  • How to communicate findings to different audiences

Career opportunities:

  • Business analyst

  • Consultant

  • Data analyst

  • Data scientist

  • Entrepreneur

  • Financial consultant

  • Government policy adviser

  • Information technology analyst

  • Market analyst

  • Web developer


  • Banking and finance

  • Business analyst firms

  • Consulting firms

  • Defence organisations

  • Government organisations

  • Large and small businesses

  • Marketing and public relations firms

  • Research and tech organisations, e.g. Data61

  • Retail and e-business

  • Technology and software companies

Other Information Technology Programs offered at Macquarie:


  • Bachelor of Cyber Security


  • Master of Data Science

  • Master of Information Technology in Cyber Security

  • Master of Information Technology in Networking

  • Master of Information Systems Management


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