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#StayConnected with iae. We’re #InThisTogether

At iae GLOBAL Sydney (iaeG Sydney), we are committed to ensuring all international students, both here and overseas, are informed, connected and supported. Know that we are all #InThisTogether! Our top priority remains the health and well-being of our student community. We have moved online at iaeG Sydney to continue assisting with student visas, course counselling and selection, payment arrangements, migration and career support, as well as guidance on coping with Covid-19 disruptions. We will do our best to lessen any negative impact and loss of support by providing enhanced online customer care and virtual services. If you're currently studying in Australia, here's what you need to know:

Remote learning
  • Most schools have stopped all in-person classes.

  • Most lectures, tutorials and class discussions are taking place in collaborative online settings, typically through video-based communication platforms like Moodle, Teams, Zoom or Skype.

  • Steps are also underway to convert lab and practical sessions to video demonstrations.

  • Schools will provide alternative assessments like take-home or online exams.

  • All schools in Australia are committed to ensuring the quality of education delivery and outcomes for their students. Contact our Education Planners for more information.

While we are temporarily utilising remote learning during this period, here are some reminders on how to protect yourself and others from the spread of Covid-19:

  • Stay at home and only go out if it is absolutely essential, like buying vital groceries.

  • Practise good hygiene, which includes washing your hands with soap regularly and disinfecting frequently used surfaces and objects like your mobile phones.

  • Practise social distancing by keeping a minimum of 1.5 metres (5 feet) away from others.

  • Follow the limit of having a maximum of only 2 persons for any indoor or outdoor gathering, except for weddings (5 people) and funerals (10 people).

  • Understand how to self-isolate when you need to, especially if you have been in contact with someone who’s been infected by Covid-19.

  • Use tap and go for payments instead of cash to maintain minimum physical contact.

To stay updated with information and advice from the Australian government, download the official “Coronavirus Australia” app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Interested in study in Australia?

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